Asuma’s demise stands out as one of the most heart-wrenching moments in the entire series. Driven by the desire to avenge his old friend Chiriku, Asuma undertakes the mission to track down the deadly Akatsuki duo, Hidan and Kakuzu. Unfortunately, this quest becomes the catalyst for his tragic fate. When facing Hidan and his Death Possession Blood jutsu, Asuma and his team are overwhelmed. This technique transforms Hidan into a virtual voodoo doll, allowing the inflicted damage on himself to be mirrored onto the enemy.
Shikamaru understandably struggles to cope with Asuma’s death right from the beginning, expressing his emotions indirectly by mentioning how cigarette smoke makes his eyes water instead of openly admitting to crying. Following Asuma’s funeral, Shikamaru plunges into a deep and debilitating depression over the loss of his sensei. Observing his son’s increasingly extreme emotional state, Shikaku Nara decides to intervene and engages Shikamaru in one of their customary shogi games.
The shogi match unfolds as one of the most poignant and unfiltered scenes in all of anime. During the game, Shikaku begins by remarking on Shikamaru’s reckless playstyle in shogi and smoothly transitions into discussing the Akatsuki and the importance of caution on missions. Continuing his dialogue, Shikaku expresses his pride in Shikamaru, highlighting how honored he is to call him his son and emphasizing Shikamaru’s future significance to the Leaf Village. With each word, Shikamaru slouches further, teetering on the brink of emotional breakdown. Finally, Shikaku delivers the devastating news: “Asuma is dead.”
Upon hearing those words, Shikamaru reacts impulsively, flipping the shogi table in a fit of rage. He impatiently urges Shikaku to cut to the chase, expressing how the conversation is making him feel physically ill. Shikaku confronts him directly, advising him to release his pent-up emotions, as they are consuming him from within. Unable to contain his grief any longer, Shikamaru succumbs to uncontrollable sobbing. Sensing the need for solitude, Shikaku leaves the room, making this scene profoundly impactful not only because Shikamaru finally allows his emotional barriers to crumble but also because it defies established societal norms in the Naruto narrative up to that point.